
Rank & Power

Rank and power are unspoken dynamics that are the source of much of our tension and conflict. Rank refers to the position or title you hold at work or other social systems. It refers to the way your power and influences is perceived. Conversely, power is your ability to influence change. Power can come from your rank but those with low rank can also wield great power and those with high rank can often feel powerless. Awareness of these dynamics and how they play out internally and in your team is critical for leaders and managers.

We can support individuals and teams in the following ways:

Executive coaching - Executive coaching provides a reflective and constructive space to cultivate insights around the impact of rank and power dynamics and how to navigate them with awareness for better results. You can find out more about executive coaching and book as session here.

Team coaching - Team coaching empowers teams and the individuals comprising them to gain greater clarity around their ability to influence change, that is, to recognise what power they do have and how they might use it wisely and more effectively.

Training - We provide training in the theory of rank and power dynamics - how they operate and the toll it takes when we aren’t aware the dynamics. We then support you to map out the dynamics of power in your team and organsiation and explore how you as a team and as individuals can take responsibility for influencing change.